march 2021

march 31st

for Leah – march 22nd

march 20th

combined screen- monochrome printing for HCB

sunflower, tomato & peperoni seeds – march 19th

first screenprint on image – march 13th

The poet is a man who feigns
And feigns so thoroughly, at last
He manages to feign as pain
The pain he really feels,

And those who read what once he wrote
Feel clearly, in the pain they read,
Neither of the pains he felt,
Only a pain they cannot sense.

And thus, around its jolting track
There runs, to keep our reason busy,
The circling clockwork train of ours
That men agree to call a heart

Fernando Pessoa

march 12th

march 10th

march 9th

march 8th

screenprinting – march 4th

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